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Community Values and Intentions

As a loving community dedicated to spreading love and inspiration in our world, we find it important to uphold certain basic common values and intentions. We ask that all community members do our very best to embrace these in interacting with other members, and in fact, with all people in our lives. Though recognizing that at times we may falter, we commit to do our best to live and breathe these values and intentions in each moment of our lives.

  • We treat every person we meet with honesty, integrity, and respect.
  • We support each individual and group in being the very best they can be.
  • We promote and radiate love and empowerment in all aspects of our lives.
  • We acknowledge that ultimately we are responsible for every action we take.
  • We intend to move beyond negative judgment and separation to focus on acceptance and greater connection for ourselves, and for all around us.
  • While honoring and celebrating our differences and each individual's uniqueness, we choose to focus on ways we can come together and unite our energies in service of all humanity.

We ask that before officially joining our community networking portal, all members of the community agree to follow these intentions to the best of their ability. All of us at times will fall short in this. We ask only that you do your best, and when you fall short, be willing to do what it takes to come back into alignment with these values. If you agree to abide by these principles, please click the "I agree" button below. If you feel that you cannot do this, please click the "I don't agree" button.

I agree

I don't agree

The Inspiration Course website is part of the PEERS empowerment network

"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"