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Connecting and Communicating
on the Community Portal

As long as the formlessness and breathtaking freedom of the beyond remain frightening to us, we will continue to dream a hologram for ourselves that is comfortably solid and well defined. When we outgrow any given set of beliefs, we must always be prepared to move on, to advance from illumination to illumination. For our purpose appears to be as simple as it is endless. We are just learning how to survive in infinity.   ~  Michael Talbot's closing words in The Holographic Universe

Thank you for agreeing to our community values and intentions. We are deeply committed to supporting our community portal in continually growing from a place of love, respect, and empowerment. Before you sign up to become a member of our portal, we invite you to be aware of some ways we've developed to help maintain a loving, supportive environment for all of our members.

We know that all of us at times will slip from our deep intentions of always moving from a place of love and support. Though we come together to share love and inspiration, conflict will naturally arise any community. We occasionally have had and will continue to have disagreements arise the portal. How we deal with disagreements both individually and collectively can make a huge difference in the development of our community.

We actually welcome disagreements, as long these are based in love, respect, and a desire to always come back to our core values and intentions. We will naturally disagree on some things, yet it is when we can disagree while still feeling honor, support, and respect with each other that powerful opportunities for growth and transformation arise.

Flagging. For the rare times when conflict arises and becomes divisive, blaming, or otherwise disempowering, we use a flagging system on our portal. At the bottom of every post and comment, you will find several links. One of these is "Flag". If you come across a post or a comment which is clearly not in alignment with our values, you can flag it. Here are some reasons you might flag a post:

  • Vulgar language: Vulgar language used in a disempowering way.
  • Attacking behavior: Offensive or degrading words directed at another.
  • Clearly divisive: Polarizing comments which divide people on an issue.
  • Spam: Inappropriate advertising or solicitation.
  • Inappropriate sexuality: Disempowering or overly explicit sexuality.

Once a post or comment is flagged, a notification is automatically sent to the administrators of the portal for review. If a post gets three or more flags, it will be considered for removal. If a post or comment clearly is not in alignment with our community values, please don't hesitate to flag. In this way, those who slip from our agreed upon values will be given reminders from other members. We have a conflict resolution group which handles these matters for the very rare times when a post or comment is flagged multiple times.

If a member is consistently flagged, they will be given a written reminder asking them to be more careful about following our community values when they post. If this behavior still continues, the posting privileges of a member may be revoked until they can show that they are committed to more closely following our values. Though this is not likely to happen, it is important to have guidelines like this in place to maintain the commitment to loving integrity on our portal.

That said, before flagging the post or comment of someone who is not following our community values, we invite you first to simply post a comment gently inviting the writer to remember our shared agreement to do our best to come from a place of love, support, and empowerment. At times we all need to be reminded of this, and often that is all it takes to come back into harmony. Please do your best to be compassionate and supportive when giving these reminders.

When we agree as a community to work together to remind each other of our deepest intentions, we can move through any conflict in a way that invites all involved to open to love and deeper connection.

Sacred Cows
Sacred Cows © Spyder Webb

Stars. For posts which are particularly powerful or inspiring, we also have a rating system using five stars. As we have lots of wonderful posts all the time, this helps the best, most inspiring or moving pieces to rise to the top so that others can easily find them. If you want to easily find some of our best material after registering, click the "Top Rated Posts" tab on any page for a listing of those.

Note that our community networking portal is also shared with those who have completed either of two other personal growth courses offered by PEERS, the Insight Course and the Transformation Course. You might enjoy and greatly benefit from exploring one of these empowering courses, for which you can find descriptions and links at

Please click the link below now to give your final impressions of the last lesson and the course in general. After you've completed that, please click on the "Help guide" link in the left column of your personal profile page. Then select "Course completed," and follow the instructions there. Information to complete the process of joining the portal will then be emailed to you.

Thanks again for being who you are. We're excited to welcome you soon into our community networking portal. Our love goes with you always!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

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And Complete a Course Evaluation

The Inspiration Course website is part of the PEERS empowerment network

"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"